“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me...””
Cross & Crown Children’s Ministry seeks to provide a safe, loving, and nurturing environment in which Bible-based teaching and Biblical example allow children the opportunity to come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and to grow spiritually in the Lord. Volunteers at the Welcome Center on Sunday morning are happy to help your family check in.
Your child's safety is very important to us.
Cross & Crown seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate in our programs and activities. By implementing the below practices, our goal is to protect the children of Cross & Crown, as well as staff and volunteers, from incidents of misconduct or inappropriate behavior.
We require all families to register in our database before dropping off their children in our classes. To be ready for our tablet check-in on Sunday morning, please pre-register for children’s classes.
Helping families worship & learn
We encourage families to worship together whenever possible, but we also understand the need to provide options for childcare and age-appropriate teaching. We use three different curriculums in our Sunday morning teaching: Generations of Grace, Coro Children’s Lessons, and Beginners Gospel Story Bible.
Children’s Classes
Sunday School is provided for children ages 2 through 5th grade during the 1st service.
During both Worship Services after the singing, children (age 2 through 1st grade) are dismissed to Children's Church.
Infant Nursery & Toddlers
During both services, care is provided for infants through 24 months. You are welcome to leave your infant or toddler in our care during the fellowship time between services.
Your children are welcome in the service, but if they are having a difficult time, please use the various seating areas in our Foyer or The Commons with a live video feed.
Mothers’ Room
We also provide a Mother's Room with a one-way glass window and audio feed during the Worship Services.
View our Sunday Morning Schedule for times and more detail on what classes are offered for each age.
Amy Hanson
Children’s Ministry Director
Cindy Hestermann
Early Childhood & Nursery Director
Sunday Evenings
Awana is an international ministry that assists churches in reaching children with the gospel of Jesus Christ, with a strong emphasis on memorizing the Word of God. Each week at an Awana club meeting children will memorize Scripture, listen to a Bible lesson, sing character-building songs, play games, and enjoy other fun activities and special events.
Vacation Bible School
First week of June
We provide a free, week-long VBS program for children ages 4 - 5th Grade. We use the Answers in Genesis curriculum which reinforces biblical truths with age-appropriate answers to the big questions about life. It is a rich, apologetic, gospel-focused VBS curriculum to give kids a biblical foundation.