Our Pastors

  • lance

    Lance Gentry

    Senior Pastor | Elder

    Lance grew up in Indiana, trusted in Jesus Christ at an early age, and has served as pastor of Cross & Crown since 1997. He is a graduate of Cedarville University (1994) and The Master’s Seminary (1997). His wife, Leigh Ann, grew up in San Jose, California and along with being a pastor's wife she is also a nurse and a real estate agent. Together they have four children, Ethan, Kate, Tess, and Luke. Lance enjoys being with his family, reading theology and history, watching films and documentaries, listening to the blues, and all things weather-related. Check out his personal weather station here.

  • rob

    Rob Zietlow

    Senior Associate Pastor | Elder

    Rob has been on the pastoral staff since 2001 and is a graduate of both The Master’s College (1994) and The Master’s Seminary (1998). He works closely alongside Pastor Lance to support & assist in pastoral ministry. He oversees the Men's Ministry, Equipping Ministry, and works with the Children's & Women's Directors. Rob and his wife Sharon have three children, Mackenzie (and son-in-law Nate, granddaughter Raelyn), Makayla (and son-in-law Brandt), and Brayden.

  • jon

    Jon Gilmore

    Pastor of Music Ministry | Elder

    Jon has served at Cross & Crown since 2015, overseeing corporate worship, media, and facilities. He is a graduate of Puget Sound Christian College (2006) and ministered for several years in the Pacific Northwest before returning to his native home in Colorado Springs. He married his high school sweetheart, Erin, and together they have two children, Olivia & Jack. The son of two drill-sergeants, Jon is a life-long pluviophile, estate-pipe restorer, hymnbook collector, and apiarist.

  • micah

    Micah Spansel

    Pastor of Student Ministry

    Micah began serving at Cross & Crown in 2023. He grew up in southern California and Cleveland Ohio, then moved to Louisville Kentucky where he has been pursuing a B.A. in Biblical Studies and a MDiv. at Boyce College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He met his wonderful-in-every-way wife Morgan during his freshman year though they took a while to get to each other (ask them about their story--they love talking about it). Morgan grew up in beautiful western Michigan on the lake and recently graduated from Boyce College with a B.A. in Global Studies. Micah and Morgan have one son, dream of having a big family, and of serving the Lord overseas in Bible translation to unengaged peoples one day.