
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Local Outreach

  • careportal.org

    CarePortal has done for child welfare what other tech platforms have successfully done to disrupt entire industries. Just as ride-sharing and home-sharing services have unlocked value and connection in places where it didn’t exist before, CarePortal enables care-sharing: a method of collaboration that empowers people to share the responsibility of caring for people in need. Right now, in real-time. Real, systemic change is occurring in communities to reverse our nation’s foster care crisis as a result of the meaningful connections formed through CarePortal. Not through more programs. Not through more taxes. But through connection among a pre-existing network of caring people and local churches engaging in cross-sector collaboration, working together to facilitate local, proactive, and effective care for kids. Cross & Crown Church partners with CarePortal through publicity, volunteer support, and donation of funds and items for children and families in crisis.

  • christianafaithfoundation.org

    The Christiana Faith Foundation supports parents and families in Colorado Springs who are undergoing fetal and infant loss. They do this via two primary outreach programs. First, they gift families gospel-saturated Blessing Baskets during their hospital stays, reaching them with a message of peace and hope in Christ. Second, they are raising funds for the construction of Colorado’s first labor and delivery bereavement suite. Cross & Crown Church partners with the Christiana Faith Foundation through financial support and publicity.

  • crossfireministries.org

    Crossfire Ministries is a Christian organization in Colorado Springs which puts God's love into action by offering food and daily necessities to those in need. Cross & Crown Church supports the ministry of Crossfire through clothing and food donations and volunteer support.

  • elifenetwork.com

    The Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center offers life-affirming alternatives to those facing unplanned pregnancies. All services are free of charge, including pregnancy tests, STD testing, options counsel, ultrasounds, referrals and emergency assistance such as diapers, formula, and maternity and baby clothing. Cross & Crown Church partners with Life Network through financial support, volunteers, donation of mom and baby items, and participation in the annual Walk For Life campaign.

  • mercysgatecs.org

    Mercy's Gate provides crisis support services and spiritual support to working-class individuals and families throughout El Paso County, Colorado. Cross & Crown Church partners with Mercy's Gate through financial support, volunteer opportunities, food and clothing donations, and neighbor referrals.

  • shield616.org

    SHIELD616 was formed with the peace officer on patrol in mind. They have since seen the need to help protect all first responders. The goal of SHIELD616 is two-fold. First, to equip every first responder with necessary, advanced active-shooter/crowd control gear. Second, to provide a support group for that first responder who will pray for the first responder and his or her family on a daily basis and shower the first responder with support and encouragement throughout the year. Cross & Crown Church has been able to outfit 14 police officers with protective gear and match them with a family in our church for ongoing prayer and support.

  • speakfortheunborn.com/about

    Speak For The Unborn equips local churches to invite abortion-minded men and women to choose life. They train churches to invite them into a journey of discipleship within their congregation. They believe that theology and methodology both matter. They take a gospel-centered, compassionate approach that they believe to be effective and winsome in changing the hearts and minds of those considering abortion. Cross & Crown partners with Speak For The Unborn through publicity and volunteer support.

  • springsrescuemission.org

    Springs Rescue Mission provides critically needed food, shelter, clothing and services to our Colorado Springs neighbors experiencing homelessness, poverty and addiction. Cross & Crown Church partners through financial support, donations, and volunteers.

  • gideons.org

    The Gideons exist as an advocate for the lost, to bring them the saving knowledge of Jesus, through not only placing and distributing Scriptures in hotels, schools, and other places, but also through personal witnessing and by associating together for service. Cross & Crown Church partners with the Gideons through financial support and special offerings.

Global Outreach

  • Drs. Levan & Natasha Akhalmosulishvili

    Slavic Gospel Association - Tbilisi, Georgia

    church planting, church strengthening

  • Willio & Neecole Destin

    More Than Bread - Haiti

    church planting, church strengthening , training pastors

  • Todd & Lynn Dick

    Grace Ministries International - Croatia

    church planting, church strengthening, training pastors

  • Payton & Grace Downing

    Ethnos360 - Asia Pacific

    church planting, church strengthening, Bible translation

  • Gary & Charlene

    Cru - Washington, USA

    outreach to international students

  • Dave & Stacey Hare

    World Team - Cameroon, Africa

    church planting, Bible translation

  • Josiah & Noeru Henderson

    Fellowship International Mission - Japan

    church planting, church strengthening, community outreach

  • Arlen & Rhoda Johnson

    Ethnos360 - Florida, USA

    Mission support

  • Jim & Lynette Karg

    Village Missions - South Dakota, USA

    church strengthening

  • Eric & Dava Katzung

    The Navigators - Colorado Springs

    community outreach, church planting, church strengthening

  • Liza Kessling

    Liza Kessling

    ABWE - Togo, Africa

    church planting through medical care evangelism and discipleship

  • Dr. Oleg & Svetlana Korotky

    Slavic Gospel Association - Ashkelon, Israel

    church planting, church strengthening, training pastors

  • M&K S

    Grace Ministries International - Middle East

    church planting, church strengthening, training pastors

  • Michael & Veronica Mishin

    Slavic Gospel Association - Bolkhov, Russia (Orel Oblast)

    church strengthening

  • Madhu & Jamin Padhia

    Global Gates - Toronto, Canada

    church planting, church strengthening, community outreach

  • Pavel & Elena Potupchick

    Slavic Gospel Association - Begomel, Belarus

    church strengthening

  • Reach Beyond

    Formerly HCJB Global

    radio ministry, medical care outreach

  • Tim & Janette Roberts

    Ethnos360 - Missouri, USA

    next generation missionary training

  • Vasily & Natalya Shemetov

    Slavic Gospel Association - Korma, Belarus

    church strengthening

  • Victor & Yana Shemetov

    Slavic Gospel Association - Chechersk, Belarus

    church strengthening

  • Victor & Natasha Shobchuck

    Slavic Gospel Association - Zelva, Belarus

    church strengthening

  • Simon & Hannah

    Link Educational Group

    education, church strengthening, church planting

  • Joshua & Naomi Smith

    Reach Global - Madrid, Spain

    evangelism, church planting

  • Lonnie & Debbie Smith

    Reach Global - Marseille, France

    church planting, church strengthening, community outreach

  • Jeff & Beth Stebbins

    The Navigators - Colorado Springs, USA

    outreach to international students, church strengthening

  • George & Harriett Walker

    InterAct Ministries - USA

    mission strategy, next generation missionary training