What We Believe
Our Mission
“Cross & Crown Church is a gospel-centered community committed to making disciples who love Jesus Christ and love others in Jesus' name.”
Unity is very important to us because we believe it is important to God. Paul prayed in Romans 15:5-6 that the church at Rome would be “…of the same mind with one another…so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (emphasis ours). Our desire is that we as a church would be of the same mind so that we might glorify God with one united, harmonious voice. This oneness of mind will be nurtured and enhanced by a clear statement of our common mission and our core commitments. Let us begin then, and see what it is that God has called us as a church to be and to do.
Statement of Faith & Confessions Affirmed
What a church believes is foundational to its health and spiritual vitality. Without sound doctrine, a church may be many things but it will not be healthy. Here you will find a number of helpful statements and historic confessions explaining what we believe and teach as a church.
This statement summarizes well the central beliefs of our church and of the Evangelical Free Church of America of which we are a part. Agreement with the EFCA Statement of Faith is required of all those who want to become members of Cross & Crown Church.
This statement significantly expands upon our Statement of Faith and explains more fully the doctrines that our elders, leaders, and teachers affirm.
The Apostles' Creed is a historic confession of the Christian faith that all of our elders and pastors wholeheartedly affirm.
The Nicene Creed was a result of the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325. The creed emphasizes the doctrine of the Trinity and clearly articulates the divinity of Jesus Christ. All elders and pastors affirm this creed.
The Cambridge Declaration summarizes key principles of the protestant reformation and is affirmed by all of our elders and pastors.
The Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood outlines the biblical similarities and differences between men and women and their roles within the church. It is affirmed by all of our elders and pastors.
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy is affirmed by all of our elders and pastors as a faithful articulation of the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy.

Discovering Cross & Crown
We believe being a committed part of a local church is central to God’s plan for every christian. This commitment includes covenanting with other believers for their good and submitting to the shepherding care of spiritual leaders.
The first step to becoming a member is to attend our next Discovering Cross & Crown class.