What to Expect

Welcome to Cross & Crown!

A greeting from Pastor Lance Gentry

Finding a new church can be a daunting task! But few decisions in life are more important than determining where the Lord would have you worship and serve. I trust that as you experience Cross & Crown you will find that we are a church committed to honoring God and loving one another. Without question the greatest part of Cross & Crown is the loving congregation who are hungry for the Word of God and committed to living it out.


When you arrive on campus you’ll be met by one of our friendly greeters who will direct you to our Welcome Center. For your first visit, we have a gift for you! Our Welcome Center team is there to answer all of your questions and help you find where to go during your visit. Please help yourself to complimentary coffee or tea in The Commons at any point during the morning.


During both services, children’s classes are provided for infants through 1st Grade. We also offer Sunday School options for older children, depending on which service you attend (see our Children’s page for more details). Our Children’s Check-in is located just off the main foyer where one of our Children’s Ministry staff will be available to answer your questions and help with any point of the check-in process. 


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the center of our times of worship together.

You will find that verse-by-verse, Bible-centered, expositional preaching is the norm. As for music, we strive for full participation in our multi-generational setting, singing the best songs of the past and present.


The Equipping Classes are designed to further shepherd our church body in the pursuit of being mature disciples of Christ who love Him and love others in His name (Matthew 22:34-40).  Classes meet upstairs on Sunday Mornings during both services from August through May. Sunday school classes are also available for students (6th-12th grade) during 1st Service only. View our Sunday Morning Schedule for more information on class offerings, times, and locations.


The priority of our Prayer Team is to pray for spiritual and evangelistic requests of this church family, though of course we will also pray boldly for physical healing. What we must be careful of, however, is hoping ultimately in God taking us out of hard circumstances. Our ultimate hope is not to pray ourselves out of hard circumstances, but to trust God through them. These trials are also occasions to be made more like Jesus, find more delight in Him, and sense our urgent need for Him. So while we pray for God to heal, we pray most for strength to trust, love, and obey Him.